13 Reasons Why I’m Participating in March 13th

1. I’m participating to let the old senile man, accusing me of not existing anymore, know that I am here to stay.

2. I’m participating to let the whole world know that I am not to be taken for granted.

3. I’m participating because I need to bring my country back to where I chose it to go in 2009.

4. I’m participating because people seem to have forgotten how horrible it was when Syrians had control on the country.

5. I’m participating because my view of the best Lebanon does not include armed militias that can do whatever they want, whenever they want and expect you not to do anything about it.

6. I’m participating because I do not approve of political hypocrisy – one that has become all too common today.

7. I’m participating because I refuse the notion that having an opinion in Lebanon makes you part of the “herd.”

8. I’m participating because I don’t want my future to be one involving being stranded on doors of embassies and getting a colonoscopy in airports where my country is blacklisted.

9. I’m participating because while we were the “angels” in this country, it’s high time we be its devils (in a peaceful and organized way, of course)

10. I’m participating because our martyrs, who died to keep this country free and sovereign, should not be forgotten.

11. I’m participating because in a world that is bleak, the concept of justice is one that will keep a light on.

12. I’m participating because I believe it’s high time we take a stand with what we believe in.

13. I’m participating because I want to.

10 thoughts on “13 Reasons Why I’m Participating in March 13th

  1. Pingback: Beirut Spring: Lucky Number 13

  2. I am not going today, mainly because I do not do well in staggeringly large groups of people, but I fully support you! You have the courage and the understanding to blog about things I would never have.

    I look forward to reading more 🙂


  3. Pingback: Pictures From The March 13th Protest « A Separate State of Mind

  4. Pingback: Lebanon: Bloggers Snub Hariri Rally · Global Voices

  5. Pingback: Lebanon: Bloggers Snub Hariri Rally | Daringsearch

  6. Pingback: Le Ciel et La Terre | Revue de presse | Lebanon: Bloggers Snub Hariri Rally

  7. Pingback: Lebanon: Bloggers Snub Hariri Rally @ Current Affairs

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